Welcome friends & family!
Welcome new & loyal customers!
Welcome everyone!
Today is the day & we are so overwhelmed by the amount of love and encouragement that we have been given during this process. We're excited to bring you on this journey with us.
The online store will carry items that are exclusive to online. The same will be true for items in-store. We want to offer a wide variety of trendier items available for all.
Another question to address is if you will be able to pick-up your order in-store and forgo shipping. Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. There is no storefront for the online store, only a processing and distribution center. Somewhere down the line we would like to offer this option for those who live close-by, so keep up to date with our posts on social media and sign-up for our emails.
We hope you are pleased with your shopping experience and we welcome all feedback! There are bound to be a few kinks that will have to be sorted, and we want to fix them as soon as possible.
Thank you & have fun shopping,
The KEY Boutique Team